Project of bringing help to disasters area of former Yugoslavia and all people that need it.

IN this project we  provide assistance to people affected by disasters and work with other humanitarian aid providers to help ensure they include people in the assistance they provide.
We work in partnership with the many organization from former Yugoslavia, global network of organizations that share our values and commitment to help people. Most of the assistance we deliver in humanitarian crises is provided through our network members and partners. The activities is carried out within the project "European Association of Relief and Care Associations" (EUHCA).
Many our volunteers are coming in our headquarters, Moleenbeek, Bruxelles, Belgium, for preparation of humanitarian aid for transport (packaging, stacking and other activities). Also volunteers from organization  help us to provided food, clothes, equipment to every needed persons.
This project is great opportunities for positive affirmation of human values. 
For more information please contact us: + 32 47 420 8631, + 32 47 770 2224 (Misel).